Source code for tadlib.hitad.genomeLev

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Apr 25 10:36:44 2016

@author: wxt
from __future__ import division
import os, pickle, tempfile, time, logging, cooler
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import triu
from pomegranate import NormalDistribution, HiddenMarkovModel, GeneralMixtureModel, State
from tadlib.hitad.chromLev import Chrom, MultiReps

total_cpu = mp.cpu_count()

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Genome(object): """ *Genome* is built on top of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.chromLev.Chrom`. We use it to: - Load bin-level Hi-C data - Initialize, pickle and organize *Chrom* objects - Call hierarchical domains of each chromosome in parallel Parameters ---------- datasets : 2-level dict, {resolution(int):{biological_replicate_label(str):data_path,...}} *data_path* indicates the *cool* URI under corresponding resolution and biological replicate label. maxsize : int Maximum allowable domain size in base-pair unit. (Default: 4000000) cache : str or None Cache folder path. If None, the folder returned by :py:func:`tempfile.gettempdir` will be used. (Default: None) Attributes ---------- data : 3-level dict. {chrom(str):{resolution(int):{biological_replicate_label(str):cachedfile,...}},...} Different from the input datasets, it organizes data by chromosome label, and each bottom-level value indicates one pickled :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.chromLev.Chrom` file under the *cache* folder. Results : list Final consistent domain list merged from all chromosome results. """ def __init__(self, datasets, balance_type='weight', maxsize=4000000, cache=None, exclude=['chrM', 'chrY'], DIcol='DIs'): data = datasets self.exclude = exclude self.DIcol = DIcol if balance_type.lower() == 'raw': correct = False else: correct = balance_type # We don't read data in memory at this point. # We only construct the mapping for loading convenience = {} for res in data: for rep in data[res]: lib = cooler.Cooler(data[res][rep]) for i in lib.chromnames: if i in self.exclude: continue if not i in[i] = {res:{rep:lib}} else: if res in[i]:[i][res][rep] = lib else:[i][res] = {rep:lib} if cache is None: self._cache = tempfile.gettempdir() else: self._cache = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cache)) if not os.path.isdir(cache): os.makedirs(cache) # Before starting calling, we make cache data under the cache folder for chrom in log.debug('Chrom {0}:'.format(chrom)) ms =[chrom] for res in ms: for rep in ms[res]: log.debug(' resolution: {0}, {1}'.format(res, rep)) tdata = triu(ms[res][rep].matrix(balance=correct, sparse=True).fetch(chrom)).tocsr() work = Chrom(chrom, res, tdata, rep, maxsize) work.Label = rep tl = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time())) kw = {'suffix':tl, 'dir':self._cache} fd, tmpfil = tempfile.mkstemp(**kw) os.close(fd) with open(tmpfil, 'wb') as output: log.debug(' Cache Chrom object into {0} ...'.format(tmpfil)) pickle.dump(work, output)[chrom][res][rep] = tmpfil time.sleep(3) self.cools = datasets
[docs] def oriHMMParams(self): """ Set initial parameters for the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Attributes ---------- HMMParams : dict Has 3 keys: "A", state transition matrix, "B" (emission probabilities), specifying parameters (Means, Variances, Weights) of the mixture Gaussian distributions for each hidden state, and "pi", indicating the hidden state weights. This dict will be updated after learning procedure. """ hmm = HiddenMarkovModel() # GMM emissions # 4 Hidden States: # 0--start, 1--downstream, 2--upstream, 3--end numdists = 3 # Three-distribution Gaussian Mixtures var = 7.5 / (numdists - 1) means = [[], [], [], []] for i in range(numdists): means[3].append(i * 7.5 / ( numdists - 1 ) + 2.5) means[2].append(i * 7.5 / ( numdists - 1 )) means[1].append(-i * 7.5 / ( numdists - 1 )) means[0].append(-i * 7.5 / ( numdists - 1 ) - 2.5) states = [] for i, m in enumerate(means): tmp = [] for j in m: tmp.append(NormalDistribution(j, var)) mixture = GeneralMixtureModel(tmp) states.append(State(mixture, name=str(i))) hmm.add_states(*tuple(states)) # Transmission matrix #A = [[0., 1., 0., 0.], # [0., 0.5, 0.5, 0.], # [0., 0., 0.5, 0.5], # [1., 0., 0., 0.]] hmm.add_transition(states[0], states[1], 1) hmm.add_transition(states[1], states[1], 0.5) hmm.add_transition(states[1], states[2], 0.5) hmm.add_transition(states[2], states[2], 0.5) hmm.add_transition(states[2], states[3], 0.5) hmm.add_transition(states[3], states[0], 1) #pi = [0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2] hmm.add_transition(hmm.start, states[0], 1) hmm.add_transition(states[3], hmm.end, 1) hmm.bake() return hmm
def train_data(self, res, rep): lib = cooler.Cooler(self.cools[res][rep]) seqs = [] for c in lib.chromnames: if c in self.exclude: continue tmpfil =[c][res][rep] with open(tmpfil, 'rb') as source: tmpcache = pickle.load(source) tmpcache.minWindows(0, tmpcache.chromLen, tmpcache._dw) tmpcache.calDI(, 0) tmpcache.splitChrom(tmpcache.DIs) for region in tmpcache.regionDIs: withzeros = tmpcache.regionDIs[region] nozeros = withzeros[withzeros!=0] if nozeros.size > 20: seqs.append(nozeros) return seqs
[docs] def learning(self, cpu_core = 1): """ Prepare training data and learn HMM model parameters for each dataset. Parameters ---------- cpu_core : int Number of processes to launch. """ for res in self.cools: for rep in self.cools[res]: log.debug(' resolution: {0}, {1}'.format(res, rep)) model = self.oriHMMParams() seqs = self.train_data(res, rep), algorithm='baum-welch', max_iterations=10000, stop_threshold=1e-5, n_jobs=cpu_core, verbose=False) lib = cooler.Cooler(self.cools[res][rep]) for c in lib.chromnames: if c in self.exclude: continue tmpfil =[c][res][rep] with open(tmpfil, 'rb') as source: tmpcache = pickle.load(source) tmpcache.hmm = model # same hmm for all chromosomes with open(tmpfil, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(tmpcache, output)
[docs] def callHierDomain(self, cpu_core = 1): """ Identify hierarchical domains of each chromosome independently and concurrently, find consistent domains between biological replicates, and finally combine results of all chromosomes. Parameters ---------- cpu_core : int Number of processes to launch. For now, *hitad* only supports parallel computing on a quite high layer, that is, it simply allocates an uncompleted :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.chromLev.Chrom` object to an idle processor and invokes its *callDomain* method. """ class SubProcess(mp.Process): def __init__(self, task_queue): mp.Process.__init__(self) self.task_queue = task_queue def run(self): proc_name = while True: current = self.task_queue.get() if current is None: log.debug('{0}: completed'.format(proc_name)) self.task_queue.task_done() break chrom, res, rep = current log.debug('{0}: Chrom {1} (res {2}, {3})'.format(proc_name, chrom, res, rep)) worker(chrom, res, rep) self.task_queue.task_done() def worker(chrom, res, rep): tmpfil =[chrom][res][rep] with open(tmpfil, 'rb') as source: curChrom = pickle.load(source) curChrom.callDomain() # Update cache data with open(tmpfil, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(curChrom, output) cpu_core = min(cpu_core, total_cpu) log.debug('Spawn {0} subprocesses ...'.format(cpu_core)) tasks = mp.JoinableQueue() procs = [SubProcess(tasks) for i in range(cpu_core)] for p in procs: p.start() for chrom in for res in[chrom]: for rep in[chrom][res]: tasks.put((chrom, res, rep)) for p in procs: tasks.put(None) tasks.join() log.debug('Extract reproducible domains from replicates ...') self.Results = [] self.DIs = {} for chrom in log.debug('Chrom {0} ...'.format(chrom)) pool = {} for res in[chrom]: reps = {} for rep in[chrom][res]: tmpfil =[chrom][res][rep] with open(tmpfil, 'rb') as source: reps[rep] = pickle.load(source) mrep = MultiReps(chrom, res, reps) mrep.callDomain() pool[res] = mrep minres = min(pool) self.Results.extend(pool[minres].mergedDomains) log.debug('Add the DI column into cools ...') for res in self.cools: for rep in self.cools[res]: lib = cooler.Cooler(self.cools[res][rep]) DIs = np.r_[[]] for c in lib.chromnames: if not c in self.exclude: tmpfil =[c][res][rep] with open(tmpfil, 'rb') as source: tmpcache = pickle.load(source) DIs = np.r_[DIs, tmpcache.DIs] else: DIs = np.r_[DIs, np.zeros(len(lib.bins().fetch(c)))] with'r+') as grp: if self.DIcol in grp['bins']: del grp['bins'][self.DIcol] h5opts = dict(compression='gzip', compression_opts=6) grp['bins'].create_dataset(self.DIcol, data=DIs, **h5opts)
def outputDomain(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as output: for d in self.Results: line = '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n'.format(*tuple(d)) output.write(line)
[docs] def wipeDisk(self): """ Remove catched (pickled) :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.chromLev.Chrom` objects before exiting. """ for chrom in for res in[chrom]: for rep in[chrom][res]: os.remove([chrom][res][rep])