# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 18 11:05:35 2016
@author: wxt
from __future__ import division
import bisect
from tadlib.hitad.graph import Graph
# Boundary-Based Alignment
[docs]class SingleBound(object):
*SingleBound* is defined to:
- Represent a single bound (chrom, pos)
- Map the bound to a pool of bounds
chrom : str
Chromosome label.
pos : int
Bound position on the chromosome.
chrom : str
Chromosome label.
pos : int
Position on the chromosome.
cache : dict
Container for matched details.
def __init__(self, chrom, pos):
self.chrom = chrom
self.pos = pos
self.cache = {}
[docs] def align(self, qn, qb, tol):
Map the bound to *qb* using the binary search method.
qn : str
Unique identifier for *qb*.
qb : list of tuples
Reference bound (remember reference genome?) list. Each element
is a tuple (chrom, pos) representing a single bound. And the list
must be sorted in advance for binary search.
tol : int
Mismatch tolerance. If the genomic distance between the bound
and the best hit is less than this value, we say we have found
a match, otherwise the bound is missed in *qb*.
Internally, the matched details will be stored in *cache* under the
key *qn*, the value is also a dict recording the matched bound
index (midx) and the indices of the matched neighbors (nindices).
self.cache[qn] = {}
tidx = bisect.bisect(qb, (self.chrom, self.pos))
lidx = ridx = -1
assert len(qb)>0, 'Empty query domain list'
if (self.chrom, self.pos) == qb[tidx-1]:
lidx = ridx = tidx - 1
if tidx <= len(qb) - 1:
if self.chrom != qb[tidx-1][0]:
if self.chrom == qb[tidx][0]:
lidx = ridx = tidx
lidx = tidx - 1
if self.chrom == qb[tidx][0]:
ridx = tidx
ridx = lidx
if self.chrom == qb[tidx-1][0]:
lidx = ridx = tidx - 1
if tidx == 0:
if self.chrom == qb[tidx][0]:
lidx = ridx = tidx
self.cache[qn]['midx'] = None
self.cache[qn]['nindices'] = None
if lidx != -1:
midx = lidx
shift = abs(self.pos - qb[midx][1])
rshift = abs(self.pos - qb[ridx][1])
if rshift < shift:
midx = ridx
# Matched bound infomation
self.cache[qn]['midx'] = midx
nindices = set([lidx, ridx])
tidx = lidx - 1
while tidx >= 0:
if qb[tidx][0]!=self.chrom:
tshift = abs(self.pos - qb[tidx][1])
if tshift>=tol:
tidx -= 1
tidx = ridx + 1
while tidx < len(qb):
if qb[tidx][0]!=self.chrom:
tshift = abs(self.pos - qb[tidx][1])
if tshift>=tol:
tidx += 1
self.cache[qn]['nindices'] = sorted(nindices)
[docs]class BoundSet(object):
As the name suggests, we use *BoundSet* to hold all bounds of a domain
en : str
Unique identifier for current set of bounds.
domainlist : list
List of the domains. Each domain is represented by
``[chrom,start,end,level]``. I think *chrom*, *start* and *end* are
self-explanatory, all you need to keep in mind is that *start and
*end* should be in base-pair unit. *level* indicates the hierarchical
level of the domain. In our work, TAD is denoted as 0, sub-TAD is
denoted as 1, and subsequent domain level is denoted as 2, etc.
res : int
Resolution of the Hi-C data in base-pair unit.
Label : str
Unique identifier.
boundclass : dict
The keys are bound representations (chrom,pos), and the values indicate
corresponding hierarchical level notations. The Level of a bound is
determined by the domain with the lowest level notation. For example,
if we have two domains, ['1',100000,500000,0] and ['1',100000,200000,1],
according to our definition, the level of ('1',200000) is 1, but the
level of ('1',100000) is 0.
Bounds : list
Sorted bound list. This attribute can be used as the reference
bound list in :py:meth:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.SingleBound.align`
def __init__(self, en, domainlist, res):
self.Label = en
self.boundclass = {}
for domain in domainlist:
chrom, start, end, label = domain
if end - start < 5*res:
if (chrom, start) in self.boundclass:
if label < self.boundclass[(chrom, start)]:
self.boundclass[(chrom, start)] = label
self.boundclass[(chrom, start)] = label
if (chrom, end) in self.boundclass:
if label < self.boundclass[(chrom, end)]:
self.boundclass[(chrom, end)] = label
self.boundclass[(chrom, end)] = label
self.Bounds = sorted(self.boundclass) # bounds of all hierarchy
self._boundIdx = dict(zip(self.Bounds, range(len(self.Bounds))))
# A kind of domain-based hierarchical alignment
[docs]class DomainSet(BoundSet):
Parse and hold a hierarchical domain set.
en : str
Unique identifier for input domain set.
domainlist : list
List of domains. See :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.BoundSet` for
res : int
Resolution of the Hi-C data in base-pair unit.
hier : bool
Whether *domainlist* contains multiple-level domains or not.
(Default: True)
res : int
Resolution of the Hi-C data in base-pair unit.
levs : set of int
All possible domain levels contained in *domainlist*.
bychroms : dict
Bychromosomal rearrangement of *domainlist*. The keys are chromosome
labels(1,2,...,22,X,Y), and the values are list of [start,end,level].
pretree : dict
Nested domain list within any domain interval. Returned by
subpool : dict
Domain list within any domain interval.
lidx : dict
The smallest indices of left domain boundaries in a by-chromosomal
domain list. (:py:meth:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet.NestedDomains`)
ridx : dict
The largest indices of right domain boundaries in a by-chromosomal
domain list. (:py:meth:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet.NestedDomains`)
Domains : dict
Store each TAD and its nested domains as a tree. Each node in the
tree indicates one domain, in particular, the root corresponds to
the TAD, and the leaves correspond to bottom domains.
def __init__(self, en, domainlist, res, hier = True):
self.res = res
BoundSet.__init__(self, en, domainlist, res)
bychroms = {}
self.levs = set()
for domain in domainlist:
chrom, start, end, label = domain
if end - start < 5*res:
if not chrom in bychroms:
bychroms[chrom] = [[start, end, label]]
bychroms[chrom].append([start, end, label])
self.bychroms = bychroms
self.pretree, self.subpool, self.lidx, self.ridx = self.NestedDomains(bychroms)
self.Domains = {}
for d in self.pretree:
if hier:
if d[-1] > 0:
hit = self.pretree[d]
self.Domains[d] = Node()
self.genDomainTree(self.Domains[d], self.pretree, hit)
[docs] def getBottoms(self):
Link bottom domains to corresponding outer TADs.
bottoms : dict
Used to quickly retrieve (bottom domain, TAD) pairs.
self.bottoms = {}
for d in self.subpool:
if d[-1] == 0:
for sub in self.subpool[d]:
if not len(self.pretree[tuple(sub)]):
self.bottoms[tuple(sub[:-1])] = list(d)
[docs] def NestedDomains(self, bychroms):
Pre-parse domain lists for accelerating subsequent calculations.
bychroms : dict
By-chromosomal domain lists.
tmpdict : dict
Nested domain list within any domain interval. If a domain have
no nested domains, then its value is an empty list.
subpool : dict
Domain list within any domain interval. Different from *tmpdict*,
if a domain have no nested domains, the value is a list only
containing itself.
lidx : dict
The smallest indices of left domain boundaries in a by-chromosomal
domain list.
ridx : dict
The largest indices of right domain boundaries in a by-chromosomal
domain list.
tmpdict = {} # Pre-tree
subpool = {}
lidx = {}; ridx = {}
for c in bychroms:
sidx = 0
for q in bychroms[c]:
pres = []; pool = []
label = 1
key = (c,)+tuple(q)
lk = (c, q[0])
rk = (c, q[1])
lidx[lk] = min(lidx.get(lk, len(bychroms[c])-1), sidx)
lidx[rk] = min(lidx.get(rk, len(bychroms[c])-1), sidx)
for i in range(sidx, len(bychroms[c])):
if (bychroms[c][i][0]>=q[0]) and (bychroms[c][i][1]<=q[1]):
if bychroms[c][i][-1]==q[-1]+1:
if (bychroms[c][i][0]>=q[0]) and label:
sidx = i
label = 0
if bychroms[c][i][0]>q[1]:
ridx[lk] = max(ridx.get(lk, 0), i)
ridx[rk] = max(ridx.get(rk, 0), i)
tmpdict[key] = pres
subpool[key] = pool
return tmpdict, subpool, lidx, ridx
[docs] def genDomainTree(self, node, pretree, cur):
Recursively generate a tree/sub-tree taking *node* as starting point.
node : Node
A dict-like container for current domain.
pretree : dict
Nested domain list within any domain interval.
cur : list
Nested domain list within current domain interval.
for d in cur:
node[tuple(d)] = Node(list(d[:-1]))
hit = pretree[tuple(d)]
self.genDomainTree(node[tuple(d)], pretree, hit)
[docs] def getregion(self, chrom, start, end, lev=None):
Extract all domains (or domains at specific level) within a given
chrom : str
Chromosome label.
start, end : int
Domain interval in base-pair unit.
lev : int or None
Specify the desired domain level. (Default: None, domains of all
levels will be returned)
rdomains : list
Sorted domain list. Each element corresponds to one domain in the
format ``[chrom,start,end,level]``.
rdomains = []
sidx = self.lidx[(chrom, start)]
eidx = self.ridx[(chrom, end)]+1
candis = self.bychroms[chrom][sidx:eidx]
cache = {}
for d in candis:
tmp = [chrom] + d
if d[0] < start:
if d[1] > end:
for sub in self.subpool[tuple(tmp)]:
if not len(self.pretree[tuple(sub)]):
if tuple(sub) in cache:
cache[tuple(sub)][tmp[-1]] = tmp
cache[tuple(sub)] = {tmp[-1]:tmp}
pool = set()
for key in cache:
for l in cache[key]:
if not lev is None:
if (l != lev) and ((max(cache[key]) >= lev) or (l < max(cache[key]))):
if not tuple(cache[key][l]) in pool:
return rdomains
[docs]class SingleDomain(object):
We use *SingleDomain* to:
1. Represent a single domain (chrom, start, end).
2. Map the domain to another domain set
chrom : str
Chromosome label.
start, end : int
Interval of the domain in base-pair unit.
chrom : str
Chromosome label.
interval : list
[start, end]
cache : dict
Container for matched details.
def __init__(self, chrom, start, end):
self.chrom = chrom
self.interval = [start, end]
self.cache = {}
[docs] def overlap(self, ti, qi):
Calculate overlap ratio of any two regions.
ti, qi : list
Interval ([start,end]) of the region.
OR : float, 0-1
Overlap ratio.
if (ti[1]<=qi[0]) or (qi[1]<=ti[0]):
return 0
mi = ti + qi
OR = (mi[2]-mi[1])/(mi[3]-mi[0]) # intersect / union
return OR
[docs] def align(self, qy):
Find the domain *D* in *qy* maximizing the overlap ratio. Binary
search method is used internally for accelerating the search process.
qy : a :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet` instance
Reference domain set. (Recall sequence mapping and reference
The matched details are stored in *cache* using the unique identifier
of *qy* (``qy.Label``) as the key, the value is also a dict with 2
keys: *hitdomain* records the matched domain interval in
(chrom,start,end) format, and *hitoverlap* records the overlap ratio
between the hitdomain and current query domain.
qn = qy.Label
self.cache[qn] = {}
qb = qy.Bounds
res = qy.res
self.cache[qn]['hitdomain'] = None
self.cache[qn]['hitoverlap'] = 0
left = SingleBound(self.chrom, self.interval[0])
right = SingleBound(self.chrom, self.interval[1])
left.align(qn, qb, 5*res)
if left.cache[qn]['nindices'] is None:
right.align(qn, qb, 5*res)
if right.cache[qn]['nindices'] is None:
lidx = left.cache[qn]['nindices'][0]
ridx = right.cache[qn]['nindices'][-1]
candis = []
for i in range(lidx, ridx):
for j in range(i+1, ridx+1):
tmp = [qb[t][1] for t in range(i,j+1)]
score = self.overlap(self.interval, [tmp[0],tmp[-1]])
candis.append((score, tmp))
if not len(candis):
besthit = max(candis)
if besthit[0] == 0:
hitdomain = (self.chrom, besthit[1][0], besthit[1][-1])
self.cache[qn]['hitdomain'] = list(hitdomain)
self.cache[qn]['hitoverlap'] = besthit[0]
[docs]class Container(dict):
Dict-like. Used in the organizing of domain alignment results.
info : list
Pair of domain lists from two domain sets.
def __init__(self, info):
self.info = info
[docs]class Node(dict):
Dick-like. We use it to represent nodes of a hierarchical domain tree
in *DomainSet*.
bounds : list or None
Domain interval represented by [chrom,start,end].
def __init__(self, bounds=None):
self.bounds = bounds
[docs]class DomainAligner(SingleDomain):
This class is the work horse we define to:
1. Hold multiple :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet` instances
at the same time.
2. Perform domain-based hierarchical alignment between any two
3. Define and extract domain-level change types from alignment results
between two :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`.
args : two or more :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet` instances
DomainSets : dict
Pool of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`. The keys are
unique identifiers extracted from :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`,
and the values are corresponding :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
Results : dict
Container for alignment results between any pair of
:py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet` instances.
def __init__(self, *args):
self.DomainSets = {}
for domains in args:
self.DomainSets[domains.Label] = domains
self.Results = {}
def _getTree(self, start, end, ref, pool):
# all domains contained in *ref* must lie on the same chromosome
for d in ref: # four columns
if d[1] >= end:
if d[2] <= start:
if (d[1]>=start) and (d[2]<=end):
pool[tuple(d[:3])] = d[-1]
self._getTree(start, end, ref[d], pool)
def _oneway(self, tg, qy, t_ref, q_ref, vs, es):
for td in sorted(tg.Domains):
if t_ref is None:
tk = (tg.Label,) + td
tk = (tg.Label,) + tuple(t_ref.bottoms[td[:-1]])
sd = SingleDomain(*td[:3])
pse = sd.cache[qy.Label]['hitdomain']
if pse is None:
args = tuple(pse)
qds = qy.getregion(*args)
if not len(qds):
if q_ref is None:
qks = [(qy.Label,)+tuple(d) for d in qds]
qks = [(qy.Label,)+tuple(q_ref.bottoms[tuple(d[:-1])]) for d in qds]
for k in qks:
op = self.overlap([td[1],td[2]], [k[2],k[3]])
es[(tk,k)] = op
def _localhits(self, tg, qy):
table = {}
for td in tg.Domains:
sd = SingleDomain(*td[:3])
pse = sd.cache[qy.Label]['hitdomain']
if pse is None:
self._getTree(pse[1], pse[2], qy.Domains, table)
if not len(table):
return []
rmin = min([d[1] for d in table])
rmax = max([d[2] for d in table])
reorg = hierFormat(table.keys())
nqy = DomainSet(qy.Label, reorg, qy.res)
pool = {}
self._getTree(rmin, rmax, nqy.Domains, pool)
ql = []
for d in pool:
return ql
def _aligncore(self, tg, qy, t_ref=None, q_ref=None):
# *tg* and **qy only contain single-level domains
vs = set()
if len(qy.Domains):
pes = {} # The initial edges are directed
self._oneway(tg, qy, t_ref, q_ref, vs, pes)
self._oneway(qy, tg, q_ref, t_ref, vs, pes)
es = {} # Only symmetric edges are retained
for e in pes:
if e[::-1] in pes:
es[e] = pes[e]
es = {}
for d in tg.Domains:
if t_ref is None:
g = Graph(vs, es)
pairs = {}
self._pairfromgraph(g, tg, qy, t_ref, q_ref, pairs)
return pairs, g
def _pairfromgraph(self, g, tg, qy, t_ref, q_ref, pairs):
tmp = g.find_connected_components()
for c in tmp:
med = [[],[]]
for d in c:
if d[0]==tg.Label:
if (len(med[0])==0) or (len(med[1])==0):
tk, qk, med = self._toberobust(med[0], med[1], tg, qy, t_ref, q_ref)
pairs[(tk,qk)] = med
return pairs
def _toberobust(self, tl, ql, tg, qy, t_ref, q_ref):
if t_ref is None:
tl = tg.getregion(tl[0][0], tl[0][1], tl[-1][2])
ql = qy.getregion(ql[0][0], ql[0][1], ql[-1][2])
tl = t_ref.getregion(tl[0][0], tl[0][1], tl[-1][2], 0)
ql = q_ref.getregion(ql[0][0], ql[0][1], ql[-1][2], 0)
tk = (tl[0][0], tl[0][1], tl[-1][2])
qk = (ql[0][0], ql[0][1], ql[-1][2])
return tk, qk, [tl, ql]
[docs] def align(self, tn, qn):
Construct hierarchical alignment between *tn* and *qn*.
tn, qn : str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
instances which are collected by *arg* during initialization.
The alignment results are organized in a hierarchical way in a
dictionary. The keys are matched chromosome region (corresponds to
either one TAD or several continuous TADs) pairs at the TAD level,
and the values are :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.Container` instances
with *info* attribute set to be pair of detailed TAD lists; the keys
of these :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.Container` indicate domain
levels, the values again are dictionaries containing sub-alignment
results within the upper-layer TAD region.
You can access the results from *Results* attribute:
``self.Results[tn][qn]`` or ``self.Results[qn][tn]``.
tg = self.DomainSets[tn]
qy = self.DomainSets[qn]
# Originally, *tg* and *qy* are always hierarchical
tcache = self._align(tg, qy)
qcache = self._align(qy, tg)
tcore = self._crosscorrect(tcache, qcache)
qcore = self._crosscorrect(qcache, tcache)
if not tn in self.Results:
self.Results[tn] = {qn:tcore}
self.Results[tn][qn] = tcore
if not qn in self.Results:
self.Results[qn] = {tn:qcore}
self.Results[qn][tn] = qcore
def _align(self, tg, qy):
Match domains of *tg* with domains in *qy*.
tg, qy : :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet` instances
cache : dict
Hierarchically organized matched domain pairs.
# First, align the top-level domains
ttl = hierFormat(sorted(tg.bottoms))
tql = hierFormat(sorted(qy.bottoms))
ttg = DomainSet(tg.Label, ttl, tg.res, False)
tqy = DomainSet(qy.Label, tql, qy.res, False)
pairs, _ = self._aligncore(ttg, tqy, tg, qy)
cache = {}
for k in sorted(pairs):
tl = tg.getregion(*k[0])
ftg = DomainSet(tg.Label, tl, tg.res)
ql = qy.getregion(*k[1])
fqy = DomainSet(qy.Label, ql, qy.res)
cache[k] = Container(pairs[k])
# Parse the hierarchy step by step
ori = 1 if len(pairs[k][0])==1 else 0
for tv in range(ori, max(ftg.levs)+1):
cache[k][tv] = {}
tl = ftg.getregion(*(k[0]+(tv,)))
ntg = DomainSet(ftg.Label, tl, ftg.res, False)
ql = self._localhits(ntg, fqy)
nqy = DomainSet(fqy.Label, ql, fqy.res, False)
npairs, _ = self._aligncore(ntg, nqy)
for p in npairs:
cache[k][tv][p] = Container(npairs[p])
return cache
def _crosscorrect(self, cache, ref):
tcore = {}
for k in sorted(cache):
sk = k[::-1]
if not sk in ref:
hit = ref[sk]
target = cache[k]
tcore[k] = Container(target.info)
for lv in target:
for p in target[lv]:
found = self._search(hit, p)
if found:
tl, ql = target[lv][p].info
mlv = min([d[-1] for d in tl])
if not mlv in tcore[k]:
tcore[k][mlv] = {p:target[lv][p]}
tcore[k][mlv][p] = target[lv][p]
return tcore
def _search(self, hit, k):
found = False
for lv in sorted(hit):
for h in hit[lv]:
if h[::-1] == k:
found = True
if found:
return found
[docs] def conserved(self, tn, qn):
Return conserved TAD pairs.
tn, qn : str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`.
pairs : set of tuples
Each tuple has two elements (domain intervals), corresponding to
*tn* and *qn* respectively.
pool = self.Results[tn][qn]
pairs = set()
for k in pool:
tl, ql = pool[k].info
if (len(tl)==1) and (len(ql)==1):
pairs = pairs - self.inner_changed(tn,qn)
return pairs
def _lowlevel_changed(self, tn, qn):
pool = self.Results[tn][qn]
dset = self.DomainSets[tn]
pairs = set()
for k in sorted(pool):
tl, ql = pool[k].info
if (len(tl)>1) or (len(ql)>1):
alls = dset.getregion(*tl[0][:3])
labels = {tuple(d):0 for d in alls if d[-1]>0}
if not len(labels):
for lv in pool[k]:
for t in pool[k][lv]:
tl, ql = pool[k][lv][t].info
if (len(tl)==1) and (len(ql)==1) and (tl[0][-1]==ql[0][-1]):
labels[tuple(tl[0])] = 1
if not all(labels.values()):
return pairs
[docs] def inner_changed(self, tn ,qn):
Return semi-conserved TAD pairs.
tn, qn : str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`.
pairs : set of tuples
Each tuple has two elements (domain intervals), corresponding to
*tn* and *qn* respectively.
pairs = self._lowlevel_changed(tn, qn)
r_pairs = self._lowlevel_changed(qn, tn)
pairs.update(set([k[::-1] for k in r_pairs]))
return pairs
[docs] def merged(self, tn, qn):
Return merged region pairs and merged TAD details.
tn, qn : str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`.
pairs : dict
The keys are merged region pairs in tuple, and the values are
corresponding TAD list pairs within the region.
pool = self.Results[tn][qn]
pairs = {}
for k in pool:
tl, ql = pool[k].info
if (len(tl)>1) and (len(ql)==1):
pairs[k] = [tl, ql]
return pairs
[docs] def split(self, tn, qn):
Return split region pairs and split TAD details.
tn, qn : str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`.
pairs : dict
The keys are split region pairs in tuple, and the values are
corresponding TAD list pairs within the region.
r_pairs = self.merged(qn, tn)
pairs = {}
for k in r_pairs:
pairs[k[::-1]] = r_pairs[k][::-1]
return pairs
[docs]class BoundAligner(DomainAligner):
Based on our hierarchical domain alignment scheme, we also define several
change types on boundary level between two datasets, including conserved
TAD boundary, conserved sub-TAD boundary, disappeared TAD boundary,
disappeared sub-TAD boundary, and TAD-to-sub-TAD boundary switch.
Boundaries are expressed in (chrom,pos) format in this class.
args : two or more :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet` instances
byclass : dict
Cache boundary pairs of each change type between datasets.
def __init__(self, *args):
DomainAligner.__init__(self, *args)
self.byclass = {}
def pairwise_alignment(self):
completed = set()
for tn in self.DomainSets:
self.byclass[tn] = {}
for qn in self.DomainSets:
if tn==qn:
key = tuple(sorted((tn,qn)))
if not key in completed:
self.align(tn, qn)
self.byclass[tn][qn] = {}
self.all_in_one(tn, qn, self.byclass[tn][qn])
[docs] def all_in_one(self, tn, qn, cache):
Parse domain alignment results between *tn* and *qn* and cache all
detected cases of 6 defined change types.
tn, qn : str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
cache : dict
An empty dictionary.
tad_c = {}
sub_c = {}
sub2tad = {}
tad2sub = {}
tad_dp = set()
sub_dp = set()
tset = self.DomainSets[tn]
qset = self.DomainSets[qn]
topbounds = [b for b in tset.Bounds if tset.boundclass[b]==0]
lowbounds = [b for b in tset.Bounds if tset.boundclass[b]>0]
pool = self.Results[tn][qn]
for k in sorted(pool):
tl, ql = pool[k].info
tt_1 = (tl[0][0], tl[0][1]) # left target top bounds
tt_2 = (tl[-1][0], tl[-1][2])
qt_1 = (ql[0][0], ql[0][1]) # left query top bounds
qt_2 = (ql[-1][0], ql[-1][2])
if (tset.boundclass[tt_1]==0) and (qset.boundclass[qt_1]==0):
tad_c[tt_1] = qt_1
elif (tset.boundclass[tt_1]>0) and (qset.boundclass[qt_1]>0):
sub_c[tt_1] = qt_1
elif (tset.boundclass[tt_1]==0) and (qset.boundclass[qt_1]>0):
tad2sub[tt_1] = qt_1
sub2tad[tt_1] = qt_1
if (tset.boundclass[tt_2]==0) and (qset.boundclass[qt_2]==0):
tad_c[tt_2] = qt_2
elif (tset.boundclass[tt_2]>0) and (qset.boundclass[qt_2]>0):
sub_c[tt_2] = qt_2
elif (tset.boundclass[tt_2]==0) and (qset.boundclass[qt_2]>0):
tad2sub[tt_2] = qt_2
sub2tad[tt_2] = qt_2
for lv in pool[k]:
for t in pool[k][lv]:
tl, ql = pool[k][lv][t].info
tl_1 = (tl[0][0], tl[0][1]) # left target low bounds
tl_2 = (tl[-1][0], tl[-1][2])
ql_1 = (ql[0][0], ql[0][1]) # left query low bounds
ql_2 = (ql[-1][0], ql[-1][2])
if (tset.boundclass[tl_1]==0) and (qset.boundclass[ql_1]==0):
tad_c[tl_1] = ql_1
elif (tset.boundclass[tl_1]>0) and (qset.boundclass[ql_1]>0):
sub_c[tl_1] = ql_1
elif (tset.boundclass[tl_1]==0) and (qset.boundclass[ql_1]>0):
tad2sub[tl_1] = ql_1
sub2tad[tl_1] = ql_1
if (tset.boundclass[tl_2]==0) and (qset.boundclass[ql_2]==0):
tad_c[tl_2] = ql_2
elif (tset.boundclass[tl_2]>0) and (qset.boundclass[ql_2]>0):
sub_c[tl_2] = ql_2
elif (tset.boundclass[tl_2]==0) and (qset.boundclass[ql_2]>0):
tad2sub[tl_2] = ql_2
sub2tad[tl_2] = ql_2
tad_dp = set(topbounds) - set(tad_c) - set(tad2sub)
sub_dp = set(lowbounds) - set(sub_c) - set(sub2tad)
cache['Conserved TAD boundaries'] = tad_c
cache['Conserved sub-TAD boundaries'] = sub_c
cache['TAD to sub-TAD'] = tad2sub
cache['sub-TAD to TAD'] = sub2tad
cache['Disappeared TAD'] = tad_dp
cache['Disappeared sub-TAD'] = sub_dp
[docs] def conserved_tad_bounds(self, tn, qn):
Return pairs of conserved TAD boundaries.
tn, qn: str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
pairs : dict
Keys and values indicate TAD boundaries in *tn* and *qn*,
return self.byclass[tn][qn]['Conserved TAD boundaries']
[docs] def conserved_sub_bounds(self, tn, qn):
Return pairs of conserved sub-TAD boundaries.
tn, qn: str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
pairs : dict
Keys and values indicate sub-TAD boundaries in *tn* and *qn*,
return self.byclass[tn][qn]['Conserved sub-TAD boundaries']
[docs] def tad2sub(self, tn, qn):
Return TAD to sub-TAD switch cases.
tn, qn: str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
pairs : dict
Keys are TAD boundaries in *tn*, and values indicate corresponding
sub-TAD boundaries in *qn*.
return self.byclass[tn][qn]['TAD to sub-TAD']
[docs] def sub2tad(self, tn, qn):
Return sub-TAD to TAD switch cases.
tn, qn: str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
pairs : dict
Keys are sub-TAD boundaries in *tn*, and values indicate corresponding
TAD boundaries in *qn*.
return self.byclass[tn][qn]['sub-TAD to TAD']
[docs] def disappeared_tad(self, tn, qn):
TAD boundaries that exist in *tn*, but disappear in *qn*.
tn, qn: str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
pairs : set of tuples
TAD boundary positions in *tn*.
return self.byclass[tn][qn]['Disappeared TAD']
[docs] def disappeared_sub(self, tn, qn):
Sub-TAD boundaries that exist in *tn*, but disappear in *qn*.
tn, qn: str
Unique identifiers of :py:class:`tadlib.hitad.aligner.DomainSet`
pairs : set of tuples
Sub-TAD boundary positions in *tn*.
return self.byclass[tn][qn]['Disappeared sub-TAD']
# Functions for parsing domain data
[docs]def readHierDomain(domainfile, pre=''):
Load hierarchical domain list from a text file.
The source file should contain 4 columns indicating chromosome label
(1,2,...,X,Y), domain start (bp), domain end (bp), and hierarchical level
(0,1,2,...), respectively.
In our paper, TAD is denoted as level 0, sub-TAD is denoted as level 1,
and subsequent domain level is denoted as level 2, etc.
domainfile : str
Domain file path.
domainlist : list
Each element of the list indicates one domain represented by
domainlist = []
with open(domainfile) as source:
for line in source:
parse = line.rstrip().split()
chrom, start, end, label = [parse[i] for i in range(4)]
chrom = chrom.lstrip(pre)
if int(end) - int(start) <= 0:
domainlist.append([chrom, int(start), int(end), int(label)])
return domainlist
[docs]def readPlainDomain(domainfile, pre='chr'):
Load domain list from a text file.
The source file should contain 3 columns indicating chromosome name,
domain start (bp) and domain end (bp), respectively.
domainfile : str
Domain file path.
pre : str
Leading string of the chromosome name. (Default: chr)
domainlist : list
Each element indicates one domain represented by
[chrom(leading string removed),start,end].
See Also
tadlib.hitad.aligner.hierFormat : parse hierarchical relationships between
domainlist = []
with open(domainfile, 'r') as source:
for line in source:
parse = line.rstrip().split()
chrom, start, end = [parse[i] for i in range(3)]
chrom = chrom.lstrip(pre)
if int(end) - int(start) <= 0:
domainlist.append([chrom, int(start), int(end)])
return domainlist