# Created on Wed Sep 24 15:05:28 2014
# Author: XiaoTao Wang
# Organization: HuaZhong Agricultural University
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
[docs]class Polygon(ConvexHull):
"""Main class for polygon creation, manipulation and calulation.
The API is inherited from :class:`scipy.spatial.ConvexHull`, which
constructs convex hull from a point set. So you should input coordinates
of a point set to initiate an instance.
More general, not all points are required. Vertices alone are enough
to construct the convex hull.
Also, this class is designed to operate on 2-D space, although
**ConvexHull** is okay for higher dimensions.
points : array_like
Coordinates of points to construct a convex hull from. All objects
that can be converted to a ndarray shaped (npoints, 2) are okay.
Common attributes from **ConvexHull**:
points : ndarray of double, shape (npoints, 2)
Coordinates of input points. Converted ndarray.
vertices : ndarray of ints, shape (nvertices,)
Indices of points forming the vertices of the convex hull. The
vertices are counter-clockwise ordered.
simplices : ndarray of ints, shape (nfacet, 2)
Indices of points forming the simplical facets of the convex hull.
Customized attributes:
anchors : ndarray of double, shape (nvertices,)
Vertices of the convex hull, counter-clockwise ordered.
area : float
Area of the polygon.
Convex hull of a random set of points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tadlib.calfea.polygon import Polygon
>>> points = np.random.rand(20, 2) # 20 random points in 2-D space
>>> P = Polygon(points)
>>> print P.anchors
[[ 0.71119071 0.216714 ]
[ 0.92908323 0.77903127]
[ 0.79530032 0.93279735]
[ 0.02160083 0.98758203]
[ 0.09094998 0.4423167 ]
[ 0.16924963 0.05900692]
[ 0.71119071 0.216714 ]]
def __init__(self, points):
"""A customized constructor.
ConvexHull.__init__(self, points)
indices = self.vertices
points = self.points
# Customize
self.anchors = points[indices]
[docs] def calarea(self):
"""Calculate the polygon area.
An attribute called **area** is assigned.
See Also
tadlib.calfea.polygon.shoelace : Twice the area of polygon
# Our Calculation
# Call external function
self.area = abs(shoelace(self.anchors)) / 2.0
[docs] def close(self):
Close the polygon, i.e., the first point is also the last one.
See Also
tadlib.calfea.polygon.isinside : judge if points are inside a polygon
or not.
Must be called before :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.polygon.Polygon.isinside`.
first = self.anchors[0]
last = self.anchors[-1]
if not np.all(first==last):
# Concatenate along first axis, dim>=2
self.anchors = np.r_['0,2', self.anchors, self.anchors[0]]
[docs] def isinside(self, query, zerolike=1e-12):
"""Compute point location relative to a polygon.
query : tuple or array_like
A tuple indicates one point. (The length must be 2)
Or you can input an array-like sequence. Any object that can be
converted to a ndarray shaped (npoints, 2) is okay.
zerolike : float
A number used to approximate 0.
mindst : scalar or array_like
If mindst < 0, point is outside the polygon.
If mindst = 0, point in on a side of the polygon.
If mindst > 0, point is inside the polygon.
Sloan's improved version of the Nordbeck and Rydstedt algorithm.
We start with :class:`tadlib.calfea.polygon.Polygon` construction:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tadlib.calfea.polygon import Polygon
>>> points = np.random.rand(20, 2) # Used for constructing Polygon
>>> P = Polygon(points)
>>> check = np.random.rand(3, 2) # Another 3 random points
>>> P.isinside(check)
array([ 0.21145311, 0.09807244, -0.15341914])
# Indicator
label = type(query)==tuple
# Unify the interface
query = np.array(query, ndmin=2)
# Close the polygon
# If snear = True, dist to nearest side < nearest vertex
# If snear = False, dist to nearest vertex < nearest side
snear = np.ma.masked_all(query.shape[0], dtype=bool)
# Initialization
mindst = np.ones(query.shape[0], dtype=float) * np.inf
j = np.ma.masked_all(query.shape[0], dtype=int)
# Number of sides/vertices defining the polygon
n = len(self.anchors) - 1
# Loop over each side of the polygon
for i in range(n):
d = np.ones(query.shape[0], dtype=float) * np.inf
# Vertex (x1, y1), start of side
start = self.anchors[i]
# Vertex (x2, y2), end of side
sec = self.anchors[i + 1] - start
# Query has coordinates (qx, qy)
devs = self.anchors[i] - query
# Points on infinite line defined by
# x = x1 + t * (x1 - x2)
# y = y1 + t * (y1 - y2)
# Find where normal passing through (qx, qy) intersects
# infinite line
t = -(devs[:,0] * sec[0] + devs[:,1] * sec[1]) / \
(sec[0] ** 2 + sec[1] ** 2)
tlt0 = t < 0
tle1 = (0 <= t) & (t <= 1)
# Normal intersects side
d[tle1] = ((devs[:,0][tle1] + t[tle1] * sec[0]) ** 2 +
(devs[:,1][tle1] + t[tle1] * sec[1]) ** 2)
# Normal does not intersects side
# Point is closest to vertex (x1, y1)
# Compute square of distance to this vertex
d[tlt0] = devs[:,0][tlt0] ** 2 + devs[:,1][tlt0] ** 2
# Store distances
mask = d < mindst
mindst[mask] = d[mask]
j[mask] = i
# Point is closer to (x1, y1) than any other vertex or side
snear[mask & tlt0] = False
# Point is closer to this side than to any other side or vertex
snear[mask & tle1] = True
if np.ma.count(snear) != snear.size:
raise IndexError('Error when computing distances')
mindst **= 0.5
# Point is closer to its nearest vertex than its nearest side,
# check if nearest vertex is concave.
# If the nearest vertex is concave then point is inside the polygon,
# else the point is outside the polygon.
jo = j.copy()
jo[j == 0] -= 1
area = shoelace([self.anchors[j + 1], self.anchors[j],
self.anchors[jo - 1]])
mindst[~snear] = np.copysign(mindst, area)[~snear]
# Point is closer to its nearest side than to its nearest vertex,
# check if point is to left or right of this side.
# If point is to left of side it is inside polygon, else point is
# outside polygon.
area = shoelace([self.anchors[j], self.anchors[j + 1], query])
mindst[snear] = np.copysign(mindst, area)[snear]
# Point is on side of polygon
mindst[np.fabs(mindst) < zerolike] = 0
# If input values were scalar then the output should be too
if label:
mindst = float(mindst)
return mindst
[docs]def shoelace(vertices):
Calculate twice the area of polygon using Shoelace formula.
Polygon is defined by vertices.
vertices : array_like
Vertex coordinates in a 2-D space.
Coordinates must be placed along the last axis. And data points are
along the first axis.
area : float
You can deduce the order of input vertices from the sign:
area is positive if vertices are in counter-clockwise order.
area is negative if vertices are in clockwise order.
area is zero if all points are colinear.
This function can be also used to judge if all points in a data set are
collinear. Collinear points as input for initializing Polygon instance
will raise a QhullError.
Vertices of a square:
>>> from tadlib.calfea.polygon import shoelace
>>> sq = [(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)]
>>> shoelace(sq)
>>> sq = [(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)]
>>> shoelace(sq)
vertices = np.asfarray(vertices)
# Rule for stacking multiple comma separated arrays
rule = '0,' + str(len(vertices.shape))
# Slip the array along the first axis
slip_v = np.r_[rule, vertices[-1], vertices[:-1]]
# Extract coordinates
x = np.take(vertices, [0], axis=-1).reshape(vertices.shape[:-1])
y = np.take(vertices, [1], axis=-1).reshape(vertices.shape[:-1])
slip_x = np.take(slip_v, [0], axis=-1).reshape(vertices.shape[:-1])
slip_y = np.take(slip_v, [1], axis=-1).reshape(vertices.shape[:-1])
# Sholelace Foluma
area = np.sum(y * slip_x - x * slip_y, axis=0)
return area
[docs]def collinear(points):
"""Test whether all given points are collinear.
Collinear points will trigger an error called **QhullError** when used
to initialize a :class:`tadlib.calfea.polygon.Polygon` instance. However,
other conditions may also trigger **QhullError**. Doing this test in
advance can avoid this error and make things clearer.
points : array_like
Coordinates of points to construct a polygon. Any object that can
be converted to a ndarray shaped (npoints, 2) is okay.
judge : bool
True if the input points are collinear else False.
See Also
To judge if all points are collinear, we use a simple heuristic
algorithm. We sort the points at first. Then test whether consecutive
triples are collinear.
Trival but still effective:
>>> from tadlib.calfea.polygon import collinear
>>> line = [(2, 0.4), (2, 0.8), (2, 4), (2, 100)]
>>> collinear(line)
if len(points)<3:
judge = True # Points are always collinear if N<3
points = np.asfarray(points)
# Indices for sorting
idx = np.argsort(points, axis=0)
mask = points[:,0]==points[0][0]
if not np.all(mask):
asort = points[idx[:,0]]
asort = points[idx[:,1]]
# The first point of the triples
first = np.arange(len(points)-2)
triples = [asort[first], asort[first + 1], asort[first + 2]]
# Calculate triple areas
areas = shoelace(triples)
# Triples are collinear if area=0
# If all sorted triples are collinear, then all points are collinear
judge = np.all(areas==0)
return judge