Source code for tadlib.calfea.analyze

# Created on Sat Sep 27 16:18:27 2014

# Author: XiaoTao Wang
# Organization: HuaZhong Agricultural University

from __future__ import division
import glob, re, os, sys
import logging
from tadlib.calfea import polygon
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import poisson, itemfreq
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, splrep, splev
import scipy.special as special
from sklearn import cluster

## Customize the logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_TAD(source_fil, chromname=None, cols=[0, 1, 2]): """ Load TAD data from a TXT file. Parameters ---------- source : str Path to the TAD file. chromname : None or str Template of chromosome names. Suppose ``chromname = 'chr'``, then the source data should be as follows:: chr1 0 350000 chr1 350000 800000 chr1 800000 1450000 Default: None cols : list of int (length: 3) Which columns to read, with 0 being the first. For example, ``cols = [0, 1, 2]`` will extract the 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns. (Default: [0, 1, 2]) Returns ------- data : Numpy Structured Array The parsed TAD intervals are contained in a numpy structured array containing 3 fields: "chr", "start" and "end". """ source = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(source_fil)) # Read TAD data from source # Skip any comment lines pool = [line.strip().split() for line in open(source, 'r') if not line.startswith('#')] # Skip header lines pool = [line for line in pool if ((isnumber(line[cols[1]])) and (isnumber(line[cols[2]])))] # Manipulate chromosome labels maxL = 0 # Maximum label length if not chromname: chromname = '' for i in range(len(pool)): pool[i][cols[0]] = pool[i][cols[0]][len(chromname):] if len(pool[i][cols[0]]) > maxL: maxL = len(pool[i][cols[0]]) # Standardize API pool[i] = (pool[i][cols[0]], float(pool[i][cols[1]]), float(pool[i][cols[2]])) # Create a structured array dtype = np.dtype({'names':['chr', 'start', 'end'], 'formats':['U'+str(maxL),,]}) data = np.array(pool, dtype = dtype) return data
[docs]class Core(object): """ Interaction analysis at TAD level. High IFs off the diagonal region can be identified using :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.longrange`. :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.DBSCAN` performs a density-based clustering algorithm to detect aggregation patterns in those IFs. Furthermore, two structural features, called AP (Aggregation Preference) and Coverage in our original research, can be calculated by :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.gdensity` and :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.totalCover` respectively. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) Interaction matrix of a TAD. left : int Starting point of TAD. For example, if the bin size is 10kb, ``left = 50`` means position 500000(bp) on the genome. Attributes ---------- newM : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) Gap-free interaction matrix. convert : list Information required for converting *newM* to *matrix*. cEM : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) Expected interaction matrix. An upper triangular matrix. Value in each entry will be used to construct a Poisson Model for statistical significance calculation. fE : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) An upper triangular matrix. Each entry represents the fold enrichment of corresponding observed interaction frequency. Ps : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) An upper triangular matrix. Value in each entry indicates the p-value under corresponding Poisson Model. pos : numpy.ndarray, (shape = (N, 2)) Coordinates of the selected IFs in *newM*. Np : int Number of the selected IFs. cluster_id : numpy.ndarray, (shape = (N,)) Cluster labels for each point in *pos*. -1 indicates noisy points. Nc : int Cluster number. clusters : dict Details of each cluster. "Average density", "radius", "area (polygon)", "point coordinates", and "object number" are all recorded. Hulls : dict Details of each convex hull (clusters which can be enclosed by a convex polygon). ptrace : list of int Labels of clusters in which all points are collinear. These clusters cannot be enclosed by a convex polygon. gden : float, [0, 1] Weighted average density. coverage : float, [0, 1] Total coverage of clusters. """ def __init__(self, matrix, left = 0): # rescale matrix nonzero = matrix[matrix.nonzero()] if np.median(nonzero) < 1: min_nonzero = nonzero.min() scale = 1 / min_nonzero matrix = matrix * scale # Manipulation, remove vacant rows and columns self.newM, self.convert = manipulation(matrix, left) ## Determine proper off-diagonal level Len = self.newM.shape[0] idiag = np.arange(0, Len) iIFs = [] for i in idiag: temp = np.diagonal(self.newM, offset = i) iIFs.append(temp.mean()) iIFs = np.array(iIFs) idx = np.where(iIFs > 0)[0][0] self._start = idx IFs = iIFs[idx:] diag = idiag[idx:] self._Ed = _fitting(diag, IFs)
[docs] def longrange(self, pw = 2, ww = 5, top = 0.7, ratio = 0.05): """ Select statistically significant interactions of the TAD. Both genomic distance and local interaction background are taken into account. Parameters ---------- pw : int Width of the peak region. Default: 2 ww : int Width of the donut. Default: 5 top : float, [0.5, 1] Parameter for noisy interaction filtering. Default: 0.7 ratio : float, [0.01, 0.1] Specifies the sample size of significant interactions. Default: 0.05 Notes ----- *pw* and *ww* are sensitive to data resolution. It performs well when we set *pw* to 4 and *ww* to 7 at 5 kb, and (2, 5) at 10 kb. [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] Rao, S.S., Huntley, M.H., Durand, N.C. et al. A 3D map of the human genome at kilobase resolution reveals principles of chromatin looping. Cell, 2014, 159: 1665-1680. """ dim = self.newM.shape[0] ps = 2 * pw + 1 # Peak Size ws = 2 * ww + 1 # Initial window size bs = 2 * pw + 1 # B -- Blurry start = ww if (ww > self._start) else self._start # Upper triangular matrix upper = np.triu(self.newM, k = start) bUpper = np.triu(self.newM, k = 0) # Expanded Matrix expM = np.zeros((dim + ww*2, dim + ww*2)) expBM = np.zeros((dim + ww*2, dim + ww*2)) expM[ww:-ww, ww:-ww] = upper expBM[ww:-ww, ww:-ww] = bUpper tm = np.all((expBM == 0), axis = 0) Mask = np.zeros((dim + ww*2, dim + ww*2), dtype = bool) Mask[:,tm] = True Mask[tm,:] = True expCM = np.ones_like(expM, dtype = int) expCM[Mask] = 0 ## Expected matrix EM_idx = np.triu_indices(dim, k = start) EM_value = self._Ed[EM_idx[1] - EM_idx[0] - self._start] EM = np.zeros((dim, dim)) EM[EM_idx] = EM_value ## Expanded Expected Matrix expEM = np.zeros((dim + ww*2, dim + ww*2)) expEM[ww:-ww, ww:-ww] = EM ## Construct pool of matrices for speed # Window OPool_w = {} EPool_w = {} ss = range(ws) for i in ss: for j in ss: OPool_w[(i,j)] = expM[i:(dim+i), j:(dim+j)] EPool_w[(i,j)] = expEM[i:(dim+i), j:(dim+j)] # Peak OPool_p = {} EPool_p = {} ss = range(ww-pw, ps+ww-pw) for i in ss: for j in ss: OPool_p[(i,j)] = expM[i:(dim+i), j:(dim+j)] EPool_p[(i,j)] = expEM[i:(dim+i), j:(dim+j)] # For Blurry Matrix OPool_b = {} OPool_bc = {} ss = range(ww-pw, bs+ww-pw) for i in ss: for j in ss: OPool_b[(i,j)] = expBM[i:(dim+i), j:(dim+j)] OPool_bc[(i,j)] = expCM[i:(dim+i), j:(dim+j)] ## Background Strength --> Background Ratio bS = np.zeros((dim, dim)) bE = np.zeros((dim, dim)) for w in OPool_w: if (w[0] != ww) and (w[1] != ww): bS += OPool_w[w] bE += EPool_w[w] for p in OPool_p: if (p[0] != ww) and (p[1] != ww): bS -= OPool_p[p] bE -= EPool_p[p] bE[bE==0] = 1 bR = bS / bE ## Corrected Expected Matrix cEM = EM * bR self.cEM = cEM ## Contruct the Blurry Matrix BM = np.zeros((dim, dim)) CM = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype = int) for b in OPool_b: BM += OPool_b[b] CM += OPool_bc[b] mBM = np.zeros_like(BM) Mask = CM != 0 mBM[Mask] = BM[Mask] / CM[Mask] ## Fold Enrichments self.fE = np.zeros_like(self.cEM) mask = self.cEM != 0 self.fE[mask] = upper[mask] / self.cEM[mask] ## Poisson Models Poisses = poisson(cEM) Ps = 1 - Poisses.cdf(upper) self.Ps = Ps rmBM = mBM[EM_idx] # Raveled array # Only consider the top x% top_idx = np.argsort(rmBM)[*rmBM.size)):] # The most significant ones rPs = Ps[EM_idx][top_idx] Rnan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(rPs)) # Remove any invalid entry RrPs = rPs[Rnan] sig_idx = np.argsort(RrPs)[*RrPs.size))] if sig_idx.size > 0: self.pos = np.r_['1,2,0', EM_idx[0][top_idx][Rnan][sig_idx], EM_idx[1][top_idx][Rnan][sig_idx]] else: self.pos = np.array([]) self.Np = len(self.pos) self._area = EM_idx[0].size
[docs] def DBSCAN(self): """Detect natural patterns in selected interactions using DBSCAN. DBSCAN is a dennsity-based clustering algorithm. [1]_ Two input parameters *eps* and *MinPts* are calculated in an analytical way. [2]_ Before further analysis, some basic features are calculated for each cluster, including "density", "radius" and the "area", among which, "area" stands for corresponding convex polygon area. See Also -------- sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN : an implementation of DBSCAN tadlib.calfea.polygon.Polygon : calculations based on polygon. Notes ----- Both "radius" and "density" are defined based on core objects of a cluster. "radius" is the average distance from the core object to its MinPts-nearest neighbors while "density" is the inverse of it. References ---------- .. [1] Ester M, Kriegel H, Sander J, Xu X. A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Portland, OR, AAAI, Press, 1996, pp. 226-231 .. [2] Daszykowski M, Walczak B, Massart DL. Looking for Natural Patterns in Data, Part 1: Density Based Approach. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2001, 56: 83-92. """ self.Nc = 0 # Trace for scatter plot self.ptrace = [] # Lower bound for input if self.Np >= 5: self._epsilon() # Minimum epsilon if self._eps < np.sqrt(2): self._eps = np.sqrt(2) # A simple but prerequisite condition if self._eps > 0: # Density-based cluster identification db = cluster.DBSCAN(eps = self._eps, min_samples = self._MinPts).fit(self.pos) # Cluster Label, -1 means noise self.cluster_id = db.labels_.astype(int) table = itemfreq(self.cluster_id) mask = (table[:,0] != -1) & (table[:,1] == 1) ridx = table[mask][:,0] mask = np.ones(self.Np, dtype = bool) if len(ridx) > 0: ridx.sort() for i in ridx[::-1]: mask &= (self.cluster_id != i) for i in ridx[::-1]: self.cluster_id[self.cluster_id > i] -= 1 self.pos = self.pos[mask] self.cluster_id = self.cluster_id[mask] # Number of clusters self.Nc = len(set(self.cluster_id)) - \ (1 if -1 in self.cluster_id else 0) if self.Nc > 0: ## Cluster-based attributes self.clusters = {} self.clusters['density'] = np.zeros(self.Nc) self.clusters['radius'] = np.zeros(self.Nc) self.clusters['areas'] = np.zeros(self.Nc) self.clusters['obj'] = [] self.clusters['Cn'] = np.zeros(self.Nc, dtype = int) # Hull-based attributes self.Hulls = {} self.Hulls['polygons'] = [] self.Hulls['density'] = [] core_indices = db.core_sample_indices_ cores_mask = np.zeros(self.Np, dtype = bool) cores_mask[core_indices] = True cores_mask = cores_mask[mask] # For each cluster for i in range(self.Nc): extract = (self.cluster_id == i) t_C = self.pos[extract] # Objects self.clusters['obj'].append(t_C) # Total object number self.clusters['Cn'][i] = extract.sum() ## Average radius / density # Core points of current cluster choose = extract & cores_mask cores = self.pos[choose] # Distances from core points to any other points in # current cluster dists = distance.cdist(cores, t_C) dists.sort() # Average radius self.clusters['radius'][i] = np.mean(dists[:, 1:self._MinPts].sum(axis = -1) / \ (self._MinPts - 1)) # Inverse of average radius, i.e., density self.clusters['density'][i] = np.mean((self._MinPts - 1) / \ dists[:, 1:self._MinPts].sum(axis = -1)) # Collinear test judge = polygon.collinear(t_C) if not judge: # Represented as a convex polygon P = polygon.Polygon(t_C) # Area of the polygon P.calarea() self.clusters['areas'][i] = P.area self.Hulls['polygons'].append(P) self.Hulls['density'].append(self.clusters['density'][i]) else: self.ptrace.append(i) self.clusters['areas'][i] = 0 # Change the number of points self.Np = len(self.pos)
[docs] def gdensity(self): """Weighted density calculation. :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.longrange` and :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.DBSCAN` have to be called in advance. Density of a TAD is the weighted average density of each cluster. Weight is the ratio of object number of a cluster to :attr:`Np`. """ if self.Nc > 0: Num = len(self.pos[self.cluster_id != -1]) W = self.clusters['Cn'] / Num self.gden = np.sum(self.clusters['density'] * W) else: self.gden = 0
[docs] def totalCover(self): """ Total coverage of clusters. :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.longrange` and :py:meth:`tadlib.calfea.analyze.Core.DBSCAN` have to be called in advance. """ if self.Nc > 0: csum = self.clusters['areas'].sum() self.coverage = csum / self._area else: self.coverage = 0
[docs] def convertMatrix(self, M): """ Convert an internal gap-free matrix(e.g., newM, cEM, fE, and Ps) into a new matrix with the same shape as the original interaction matrix by using the recorded index map(see the *convert* attribute). """ idx = sorted(self.convert[0].values()) newM = np.zeros((self.convert[1], self.convert[1]), dtype=M.dtype) y,x = np.meshgrid(idx, idx) newM[x,y] = M return newM
def _epsilon(self): """Analytical way of estimating input parameters for DBSCAN. """ ## Neighborhood of a point if len(self.pos.shape) > 1: # m objects, n variables m, n = self.pos.shape else: m = self.pos.shape[0] n = 1 # Minimum number of points considered as a cluster self._MinPts = / 25)) + 1 # Enclose the total space prod = = 0) - self.pos.min(axis = 0)) # Interpolation gamma = special.gamma(0.5 * n + 1) denom = (m * np.sqrt(np.pi ** n)) self._eps = ((prod * self._MinPts * gamma) / denom) ** (1.0 / n)
def _fitting(x, y): ## Linear Spline ip = interp1d(x, y) # Downsample the data evenly times = np.arange(2, 4) scheck = x.size / times snum = scheck[scheck > 6][-1] if (scheck > 6).sum() > 0 else x.size xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), snum) yi = ip(xi) ## B-spline tcl = splrep(xi, yi) ys = splev(x, tcl) # Finite differences dy1 = np.gradient(ys) ## Unstable region m = (dy1[1:] >= 0) & (dy1[:-1] <= 0) if len(np.where(m)[0]) != 0: i = np.where(m)[0][0] ys[x > x[i]] = ys[i] return ys def isnumber(value): """A numerical string or not. A string is numerical if it can be converted using **float** function. Parameters ---------- value : str Returns ------- True if value is numerical. """ try: float(value) except: return False else: return True def getmatrix(inter, l_bin, r_bin): """Extract regional interaction data and place it into a matrix. Parameters ---------- inter : numpy structured array Three fields are required, "bin1", "bin2" and "IF", data types of which are int, int and float, respectively. l_bin : int Left bin index of the region. r_bin : int Right bin index of the region. Returns ------- inter_matrix : numpy.ndarray The value of each entry is the interaction frequency between corresponding two bins. """ # Construct a matrix inter_matrix = np.zeros((r_bin - l_bin, r_bin - l_bin), dtype = float) # Extract the regional data mask = (inter['bin1'] >= l_bin) & (inter['bin1'] < r_bin) & \ (inter['bin2'] >= l_bin) & (inter['bin2'] < r_bin) inter_extract = inter[mask] # Fill the matrix for i in inter_extract: # Off-diagonal parts if i['bin1'] != i['bin2']: inter_matrix[i['bin1'] - l_bin][i['bin2'] - l_bin] += i['IF'] inter_matrix[i['bin2'] - l_bin][i['bin1'] - l_bin] += i['IF'] else: # Diagonal part inter_matrix[i['bin1'] - l_bin][i['bin2'] - l_bin] += i['IF'] return inter_matrix
[docs]def manipulation(matrix, start = 0): """Remove gaps of the original interaction matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) Interaction matrix. start : int The begining of the region. (Default: 0) Returns ------- newM : numpy.ndarray, (ndim = 2) The gap-removed matrix. convert : list The first element is the index map from *newM* to *matrix*, and the second element records the length of *matrix*. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from tadlib.calfea.analyze import manipulation >>> matrix = np.random.rand(4, 4) >>> matrix[1,:] = 0; matrix[:,1] = 0 >>> print matrix [[ 0.24822414 0. 0.07782508 0.01812965] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0.93870151 0. 0.21986474 0.20462965] [ 0.13022712 0. 0.78674168 0.77068304]] >>> newM, convert = manipulation(matrix) >>> print newM [[ 0.24822414 0.07782508 0.01812965] [ 0.93870151 0.21986474 0.20462965] [ 0.13022712 0.78674168 0.77068304]] >>> print convert [{0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 3}, 4] """ mask = matrix.sum(axis = 0) == 0 index = list(np.where(mask)[0]) # Remove vacant rows temp = np.delete(matrix, index, 0) # Vacant columns newM = np.delete(temp, index, 1) mapidx = dict(zip(np.arange(len(newM)), np.where(np.logical_not(mask))[0] + start)) convert = [mapidx, matrix.shape[0]] return newM, convert